The Magic of Backdrops
This page is dedicated to the magic of backdrops, especially when they are used in combination with Pocher models. The Elves were so pleased with these images that they have introduced a new book, A Magic Gallery of Classic Pocher Models, which features these hybrid digital images.

A handsome sedanca is shown in front of its home in New York.

DMC Double-Six appears to be hanging out in New York.

An old friend in a handsome showroom.

The DMC S-12 seems to have found its way to New York.

The Star of India is hanging out at the same garage.

And the Alfa Coupe-Spider is keeping the Rollers company,

Earl Petrikin's Monza fits right into London

The Double-Six romps in the snow!

Wait a minute, wait just a minute. What scale is this thing?

Any service station's dream customer. From the looks of it, the car owner may not only drain the storage
tanks but also need a muffler!

Just the sort of thing one hopes to run into when walking the streets of London.
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