Double-Six Portraits
The huge driving light, an exaggeration just like everything else on the Double-Six,
steers with the front wheels. Anyone with such a car would want to be affiliated with
numerous clubs, hence the badges.
Amazing as it seems, there are actually some precedents for having tandem engines in
a Rolls-Royce chassis. In this case, the two engines are specifically designed to show
off after-market details. There is a complete spare set of spark plugs (twenty-four plugs)
mounted on the firewall, twelve per side, for a grand total of 48 plugs for the entire engine
compartment. The hood side panesl are spliced kit components, and the hood tops are scratch-built
from brass.
The profile is just right, and the Pocher sedanca fenders--based on a Barker design==look perfect.
The delicate bright trim on the hood sides with the double-six logo is sterling silver wire.
The roll-up roof can be closed, and the visor was later painted transparent blue. Swivelling spotlight works.
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